Dakons blog

Erstellt: 20. 4. 2009, 23:49
GeƤndert: 20. 5. 2010, 18:42

Awesome solid


Inspired by Aaron's post I added "solid interface" to the list of features I want to implement until KDE 4.3 in KGpg.

While I had some spare time before the theoretical driving lessons started (my fire department decided to pay my truck driving license) I started digging into this. Well, add a few minutes while the teacher fought with the screensaver of the beamer and the like and I had at least the "key server" action properly disabled at the end. Back home I couldn't wait to plug the cord in and out to see if everything worked properly. To my own surprise I did everything right and it simply worked. Some small cleanups later I added three more places that needed to know about the online status and I was done.

I was absolutely surprised about how easy that was. Copy the right library from the tutorial4 CMakeLists.txt to link to, add one header, some slots, done. Wow. I'm really impressed.
